Environmental Protection

In its activities, Tasdid Co considers the environmental protection as the main issue since the activities of the oil and gas industry can makes damages to the environment.

The major activities of Tasdid involve identifying and controlling the impacts of construction, engineering and development operations on the environment. Construction and development operations in the construction of pipelines, due to the nature of such plans (the construction, road-construction and piping operations), have the potential to affect the environment. Since while studying and planning such projects, studies are conducted on environmental impact assessment, environmental parameters are considered in planning and selecting locational and technical options. Establishing and implementing environmental management system (EMS) and self-report programs, monitoring environmental parameters, and providing progress reports related to environmental considerations in the implementation of the projects, Tasdid attempts to do the operational activities in agreement with environmental considerations.

In addition to regularly apply pollution control and monitoring programs, in order to promote the environment cleanup culture and valuing the environment, environmental education and information programs are held at different personnel levels including directors and officers. In this context, the brochures and posters related to environmental events are printed, and the environmental culture is promoted and informed to the operational personnel and contractors. In the context of environmental issues, including environmental impacts assessment, clean development mechanism, etc. by participating in professional seminars in management and undergraduate levels, appropriate actions are taken in Tasdid Offshore Development Company.

The company, while having a thorough supervision on subsidiaries, has activities on providing and preparing instructions and appropriate procedures to deal with environmental problems which arise in operational units, and regularly follows up and implements environmental parameters monitoring programs in different parts of the company.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 April 2016 11:22